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Restore NSW marine sanctuaries

We need your help to stop illegal fishing in NSW marine parks.

In December 2019, Minister Adam Marshall and Minister Andrew Constance announced that the NSW government would turn a blind eye to illegal fishing in six marine sanctuaries in the Batemans Marine Park.

Most of the affected sanctuaries are in estuaries that protect important habitat for juvenile fish to grow to adulthood. If we allow them to be degraded it will also hurt the communities who depend on healthy fish stocks.

Two other sanctuaries are next to our very special Montague Island – an important haul-out site for Australian Fur Seals, and home to a colony of Little Penguins.

Removing sanctuary protection has subjected these beautiful animals to increased risk of injury from vessel strike or entanglement – especially if the current situation remains in place over summer, when thousands of visitors make their way here.

Most NSW recreational fishers care deeply for the future of our oceans, and expect their peers to do the right thing. By turning a blind eye to regulations that protect important habitats and feeding grounds, the government is risking the fish of the future.

We are all hoping for the end of this year to be a safe summer. It’s time to reinstate full protection and give our wildlife the safe summer they deserve.

Send a message to Minister Constance and Minister Marshall to tell them enough is enough – restore protection for our ocean wildlife.

Image: Pete McGee