Canvas Print ‘Coral Contemplation’



Coral Contemplation depicts a lone turtle, staring directly at the camera and gliding over the beautiful Great Barrier Reef near Lady Elliot Island.

High-quality canvas print stretched on a sustainable meranti hardwood frame that will not warp or crack in a humid environment. Perfect for the home or office, or an ideal gift.

This image has been signed by Justin Bruhn of Pure Underwater Imaging, and is available exclusively to AMCS supporters.

Other prints available: Humpback Whale mother & calf (Journey) and Green Turtle (Turquoise Drift).

Our canvas prints are custom made, the estimated delivery time is around 3 weeks.

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Size 24" x 16" (61cm x 41cm), Size 36" x 24" (91cm x 61cm), Size 48" x 32" (122cm x 81cm), Size 57" x 38" (144cm x 96cm)

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