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Australia’s oceans contain some of the richest life on Earth – but they are under threat.

BLUEBACK is a feature film adaptation of Tim Winton’s best-selling novella about a child that befriends a blue groper and fights to protect its underwater world.
If you want to help ensure Australia’s coasts and oceans remain healthy and free for tomorrow’s generations, join us today.

You’ve watched the film, now take action! 

Learn more about amazing blue gropers and our work to protect Australia’s oceans through species protection and marine sanctuaries.
You can take action by signing petitions, writing letters, or sharing information about blue gropers with your friends.

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Western blue gropers are very closely related to eastern blue gropers, but they are different species, found on western and eastern coasts of Australia respectively. Our friend Blueback is a western blue groper, which can reach a length of up to 1.7 metres and can weigh up to 40kgs – now that’s a big fish!

Juveniles blue gropers live in shallow sheltered waters, such as inshore reefs and seagrass meadows – so it is vital these habitats are protected. The juveniles are actually green and turn blue when they get older, venturing out into deeper water and offshore reefs.

The species is long-lived (potentially up to 70 years) and slow growing, taking many years to reach reproductive age. In addition, blue gropers are extremely inquisitive, and have been known to swim right up to humans. Unfortunately, these factors make them easy targets for over-fishing.

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Australians love our dolphins, seals and sea turtles, but many species are under threat from commercial fishing. Much of our marine wildlife has suffered from historical hunting and capture in fishing gear. Today, many species of seabirds, turtles, sharks and marine mammals are legally recognised as threatened. Their future is at risk and we must protect them from overfishing, pollution and climate change.

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Marine sanctuaries are highly protected areas within marine parks – free from activities like mining and fishing. They are fundamental for ensuring the future of our oceans as they allow fish stocks and marine habitats to recover.

They provide protection for important resting, feeding, breeding and nursery areas for a range of marine life – including migratory species such as whales, sharks and manta rays. Sanctuaries allow fishes such as blue gropers to breed, spawn and grow without disturbance and build resilience to ongoing threats such as climate change.

Sanctuaries are places where sea life is safe and people can see nature thriving.

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The BLUEBACK story focuses on our deep human connection to the underwater world, belonging, and living a life in tune with the environment. It highlights why it is so important to protect our oceans, through well managed fisheries and marine parks.

This message of marine protection is central to AMCS campaign work; scientists say that we need to protect at least 30% of our global oceans by 2030. As well as establishing networks of marine parks we need to ensure that we tread lightly on our oceans: we must reduce marine pollution, make sure our fisheries are sustainable, and take action to address climate change.

BLUEBACK is a universal fable for all ages about friendship, family and the power of young people to make a difference for our marine environment; we hope that this film will inspire the next generation of ocean advocates.