Australia’s Commonwealth Marine Parks Network made history as the world’s largest network of marine parks and sanctuaries. This protects some of the most biodiverse waters on the planet.
Like our national parks on land, Australia’s marine sanctuaries provide protection and sanctuary for wildlife and habitats, for us all to enjoy for generations to come.
This network was the result of decades of science, years of consultation and work on all sides of politics. When the final network was released in 2012, it was supported by 70% of Australians, making it one of the most popular decisions of our time.
We Must Save Our Sanctuaries
But the fight is far from over. Previous governments have made massive cutbacks to our marine sanctuaries, stripping back protections leaving icons like the Coral Sea, the Kimberley, Lord Howe Island and Geographe Bay exposed to destructive commercial fishing and oil and gas activities – threatening some of our most special places.
These changes ignored decades of science, the advice of the Government’s own independent review, the wishes of local communities, and the voice of hundreds of thousands of Australians who have called on our government to reinstate our vital marine sanctuary protections.
Our oceans, and the wondrous and vulnerable wildlife that call them home, are in more danger than ever – from climate change, pollution, overfishing and industry. We must continue to be a voice for our marine life and local communities and reject any cutbacks to protections.