Report Marine Parks

The unique marine ecosystem surrounding Macquarie Island

by AMCS and Save Our Marine Life March 10, 2023
The government is proposing to triple the size of the Macquarie Island Marine Park. It’s vital that any increase in protection is based on science and expert opinion.

This report, written by five eminent Australian scientists including Dr Ian Cresswell, the co-chief author of the recent State of the Environment (SoE) report, investigates the rich and remarkable marine ecosystem of Macquarie Island and sets out the measures needed to protect it in the face of a rapidly changing climate and future threats such as mining.

In 1999, a Commonwealth marine park was established in a section of the waters off Macquarie’s south-east. But now, 24 years later, the marine park is well overdue for renewal as our understanding of the incredible values and threats to the region have changed significantly.

This report recommends extending marine sanctuary protection to cover all of Australia’s Exclusive Economic Zone around the island, with the exception of an area to allow the current, sustainable fishery to continue.


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Photo credit: Marc Guyt/ SOML