Report Marine Parks

Managing our Big Blue Backyard - The Role of Marine Parks (MPA) in Australia

by Save Our Marine Life (SOML) and The Australian Marine Conservation Society (AMCS) July 4, 2022


Australia is responsible for the third largest area of ocean on Earth. Our waters span the tropical, temperate and sub-Antarctic. We have more unique marine life than any other country in the world.

Healthy marine life is central to our Australian lifestyle, our livelihoods, our global reputation and our regional economies. More than 85 percent of Australians live by the coast and these oceans are core to our culture and identity as a nation. Not only do we depend on them for food and oxygen, they support our lifestyles and livelihoods. Our coasts are a tourism magnet, attracting visitors from around the world. They are also a cultural and spiritual focus of many Indigenous communities. For saltwater people, all aspects of social, cultural and economic life are intimately connected to the health of their coastal lands and seas.


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