North Queensland reef tourism operators and the Australian Marine Conservation Society welcome the Queensland LNP Opposition Leader’s commitment, reported today, to planning for a future without coal energy generation as a necessary step in protecting the Reef.
In response to an interview with Deb Frecklington in The Australian today, Sailaway Port Douglas owner and operator Steve Edmondson said: “It’s an exciting first step to hear this major political party will plan for a future beyond coal.
“Our beautiful Great Barrier Reef is under serious threat. Climate change, mainly driven by burning coal and other fossil fuels, is the single biggest threat to the Great Barrier Reef.
“To give our Reef the best chance for the future, Australia must rapidly phase out coal and other fossil fuels and transition to renewable energy.
“Our decision makers must start preparing for a future without coal by saying no to Adani’s mega coal mine and ruling out new thermal coal projects.”
AMCS Reef campaigner Dr Lissa Schindler said: “Our tourism operators are seeing the impacts of climate change on the ground with 64,000 jobs relying directly on the Reef.
“Recognising that we have to plan for a future without coal is a huge step for the LNP and one we fully welcome. It’s not too late to protect our Reef but to do that requires rapidly moving away from the mining and burning of coal. We look forward to seeing further details on the LNP’s plans for transitioning away from coal and moving towards a renewable future.”
Media contact – Ingrid Neilson 0421 972 731 to arrange interviews with Sailaway Port Douglas owner and operator Steve Edmondson or AMCS Campaigner Dr Lissa Schindler.